Boy Scout Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Deadline

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Thousands of lawsuits across the United States have been filed against the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) that allege the failure of the organization’s leadership to protect former scouting members from sexual abuse. As a result of those lawsuits, BSA has filed for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Former Boy Scout members who were sexually abused are allowed to file claims for compensation for the damages that they’ve suffered. A deadline for filing claims for Boy Scout lawsuit abuse had been set for 5:00 p.m. on November 13, 2020.  It was a strict deadline.  

Former Members of Other Organizations

The deadline isn’t limited to former Boy Scout troop members. Others who might be eligible for compensation are former members of the following organizations:

  • Cub Scouts and Webelos.
  • Blazer Scouts.
  • Explorer Scouts.
  • Sea Scouts.
  • Other programs affiliated with BSA.

Who Can File a Claim?

Any former member of BSA or an affiliated group who is a victim of sexual abuse in connection with BSA or its affiliates can bring a claim seeking compensation for damages that were suffered. A claimant’s age isn’t an issue, nor is the state that the claimant lives in. Those who are permitted to file claims aren’t limited to victims of abuse by troop leaders. Others who are permitted to file claims include victims of abuse by assistant troop leaders, employees of BSA camps, volunteers, or even other scouts.

Specifics of the Claim

 An attorney from our law firm can be of great value in gathering pertinent information and assisting in the completion, filing and disposition of a claim. Here is some of the important information sought by the court:

  • The name and address of the alleged abuser.
  • Your history of being a BSA member or a member of an affiliated organization.
  • The nature and frequency of the abuse and where it occurred.
  • A description of the physical and mental harm that you suffered.
  • A biography of yourself, including your education and job history.

Retain an Experienced Child Sex Abuse Attorney for Your Claim

If you were the victim of sexual abuse as a Boy Scout, and you have yet to file a claim for Boy Scouts lawsuit abuse , contact our offices, and arrange for a free confidential claim consultation and review with an experienced child sex abuse attorney from our offices. You can tell us what happened, when it happened and where it happened, and then, we can answer your questions. No up-front fees are due for us to represent you, and no legal fees are due unless we obtain a settlement or award on your behalf. Remember, the deadline for filing your claim was 5:00 p.m. on November 13, 2020. Failure to file an appropriate claim by that date and time is likely to bar you from any compensation at all.


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