How to Debt Consolidate all existing Personal Loans and credit cards outstanding into one Loan EMI?

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You had a happy go lucky lifestyle, explored all places, ate what you wanted, purchased the best gadgets and apparel, life was good. You don’t fret about most of these things now. However, there are strains in the form of massive liabilities.

The multiple credit card bills which never seem to come down, the personal loan EMI that makes salary disappear, the list never ends.

Is there a way out of this mess? Yes, it’s called debt consolidation.

Credit Cards are high-cost debt instruments. The interest rates are several times that of a personal loan. Most of us are not even aware of the interest rates as the cards are incredibly convenient to use. It only starts to bother when the bills become too much to manage to result in collection calls.

It makes one dip into their savings and investments, running present and future.

The way out is Debt Consolidation. Debt Consolidation is a process where you structure your EMIs. Instead of managing multiple EMIs and loans, you consolidate all loans in a single personal loan, reducing the chances of missing payments because of multiple payment dates and variations in amounts.

Here are several benefits of debt consolidation.

  1. Lower EMI
  1. Credit cards are highly convenient, making us forget they levy a piercing interest rate. Repaying these dues every month eventually makes our net EMI outflow ridiculously high. A consolidated personal loan reduces this EMI burden by lowering the overall EMI outflow every month and making it more predictable.
  • Quicker pay off
    • . Once we consolidate all personal loans and credit cards, we may choose to pay them off earlier by preferring an earlier loan closure period. Even having the hope of a debt-free life is a liberating thought.
  • Manageable Loan Duration
    • . The loan duration can be manageable by working with the new lender and creating the right loan amount and tenure, making paying off the consolidated loan comfortably.
  • Single Lender
    • . Remembering the payment dates of multiple lenders is a nightmare, missing payments result in late payment fees and eventually spoils our credit score, reducing chances of getting personal loans in future. A single lender makes communication and payment easy.

What is the best way to get debt consolidation done?

Applying for personal loans with multiple lenders is not just time-consuming, but it may also reduce our credit score.

However, how does one get the best deal for their debt consolidation?

Loans Jagat is the answer, a platform that makes it easy to apply, track and avail of personal loans and other loans.

The process is simple.

  1. Fill in basic loan details like KYC, salary or employment details.
  2. Check your loan eligibility by entering information related to your income.
  3. Get loan offers from over 40 banks and NBFCs, compare the offers, evaluate terms and conditions and choose the best offer that suits your needs.
  4. Submit the required documents like identity proof and address proof.
  5. The loan gets sanctioned after verification from the lender.
  6. Sign the agreement and get the amount disbursed in your bank account.

Loans Jagat offers several benefits over the traditional means of loan applications:

  1. Dedicated loan advisor to help you choose the right loan and scroll through various terms and conditions.
  2. Simple application process using powerful technology tools.
  3. Loans Jagat keeps your data safe and maintains the highest level of confidentiality.
  4. Loans Jagat has partnerships with over 40 Banks and NBFCs to get you the best loan deals.

If you are running multiple personal loans and credit cards, debt consolidation is the right way to go forward. Apply using Loans Jagat to get the best deal.

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